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Men's Health Services


Men's Health Services

Our men's health services are dedicated to providing personalised and effective care for a range of men's wellness concerns. From erectile dysfunction to pelvic pain, our expert team offers tailored treatments to optimise your health and vitality.

Erectile dysfunction

Hard flaccid syndrome

Male pelvic pain

Post-prostate surgery issues

Pudendal neuralgia

Conditions we treat:

Why choose Astra Health?

20+ years of experience

High standards of care

Specialists in rehabilitative physiotherapy

Friendly staff

Award-winning team

4.8/5 rating on Google


At Astra Health, we recognise the unique health challenges that men face and are committed to providing comprehensive men's health services to address these concerns. Our experienced healthcare professionals specialise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions affecting men's health, with a focus on restoring function, improving quality of life, and promoting overall well-being.

For men experiencing erectile dysfunction, our clinic offers advanced shockwave therapy, a non-invasive treatment option that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and nerve tissue in the penis, resulting in improved blood flow and enhanced erectile function. Our expert practitioner, trained in focused shockwave therapy, ensures that patients receive personalised care tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

In addition to erectile dysfunction, our men's health services also address conditions such as male pelvic pain, pudendal neuralgia, hard flaccid syndrome, and issues following prostate surgery. Our comprehensive approach begins with a thorough evaluation, including detailed ultrasound scans and in-depth discussions about lifestyle factors and medical history. This comprehensive assessment allows us to develop customised treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs and goals.

Our treatments are designed to be painless and comfortable, with minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily activities with minimal disruption. Depending on the condition being treated, a course of treatment may involve multiple sessions of shockwave therapy, supplemented by pelvic floor training and lifestyle modifications to optimise outcomes and promote long-term health.

At Astra Health, we understand the sensitive nature of men's health issues and strive to create a supportive and discreet environment where patients feel comfortable discussing their concerns and exploring treatment options. Whether you're experiencing erectile dysfunction, pelvic pain, or other men's health issues, our compassionate team is here to provide the expert care and support you need to regain confidence and vitality.

Men's Health Services




Clinic Address

11 Repton Avenue



TN23 3RX

Email Address

Phone Number

Frequently asked questions

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